Trump 101: The Way to Success by Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver ~ :: :: free download
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trump 101: The Way to Success by Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver

Trump 101: The Way to Success by Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver# Author: Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver
# Hardcover: 208 pages
# Publisher: Wiley (October 20, 2006)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0470047100
# ISBN-13: 978-0470047101
# Format: PDF | 6.9MB

This collection of Trump's wisdom, inspiration, and advice is organized around 20 distinctive motivational themes, including "Don't Waste Your Life on Work You Don't Love," "Set the Bar High," "Tough It Out: Be Persistent," "The Proof Is in the Doing: Learn by Doing and Taking Risks," "Your Gut Is Your Best Advisor: Listen to Your Instincts," "Negotiate to Win: Use Diplomacy," "Swim against the Tide: The Comfort Zone Can Pull You Under," "Wait for the Right Pitch: Business Success Is All about Patience and Timing," and "Do More--Always Do More: Constantly Try to Top Yourself." Although this is clearly a high-profile public-relations effort, Trump's insight and business principles offer valuable lessons.

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