The Economist, July 19 2008 (PDF+Audio) ~ :: :: free download
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Economist, July 19 2008 (PDF+Audio)

The Economist, July 19 2008 (PDF+Audio)The Economist, July 19 2008 (PDF+MP3)
PDF+Audio | English | 2.9MB+ 154MB

Cover Story: Twin twisters
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the market chaos

The financial crisis claims another two victims—and once again the taxpayer picks up the pieces

IT WAS another of those frantic weeks that were never meant to happen in the world’s most advanced economy. On July 13th Hank Paulson, America’s treasury secretary, stood on his department’s steps like some emerging-market finance minister, and unveiled an emergency plan to save Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two mortgage giants that owe or guarantee $5.2 trillion. Two days later, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, put the fear of God into the markets, warning Congress of a foul amalgam of inflation and economic distress.

The immediate lesson is that the financial crisis, nearly a year old, is far from over (see our coverage, beginning with this article). Gloomy investors are gunning for banks of all types. In America the prices of houses and shares are falling, and the cost of food and energy has soared. Consumers are almost certain to cut back. The euro-area economy may have shrunk in the latest quarter. Central banks around the world are having to raise interest rates to curb inflation, and the dollar looks vulnerable. Even if the downturn proves less sharp than pessimists fear, it is likely to last longer than optimists hope ...

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