Research & Writing Skills: Success in 20 Minutes a Day by Rachael Stark ~ :: :: free download
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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Research & Writing Skills: Success in 20 Minutes a Day by Rachael Stark

Research & Writing Skills: Success in 20 Minutes a Day
# Author: Rachael Stark
# Paperback: 160 pages
# Publisher: LearningExpress, LLC; 1st ed edition (August 25, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1576854426
# ISBN-13: 978-1576854426
# Format: PDF | 1.49MB

Research and Writing Skills Success will help you improve your research skills in just 20 short lessons of 20 minutes a day through basic research and writing tools that you can practice at home. Carefully designed to make researching any topic and writing a research paper manageable and easy, every lesson teaches different skills that will help you to put together a research paper from start to finish in just a few short weeks. The lessons in this book are designed to take you through the initial phases of writing a research paper such as finding a topic, locating your sources, evaluating them, framing your thesis question, and writing your paper. Plus, there's a pretest at the beginning of the book to see what areas you need to improve, and a post-test to see how far you have progressed!

What makes Research & Writing Skills Success so effective?

  • The introductory diagnostic test helps you find your strengths and weaknesses.
  • A streamlined approach—20 easy to follow steps—leads you through the research process with style and efficiency.
  • Emphasis on the organization process allows the research paper to virtually write itself.
  • Examples and models give you a benchmark for your own work.
  • Each step takes a relatively short amount of time.
  • The posttest helps you measure what you have learned.
  • EXTRA! The appendices provide a list of style manuals and research topics you can use.

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