Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers by Kazuo Ichijo & Ikujiro Nonaka ~ :: :: free download
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers by Kazuo Ichijo & Ikujiro Nonaka

Kazuo Ichijo & Ikujiro Nonaka | Oxford University Press, USA (December 7, 2006) | 336 pages | English | ISBN-10: 0195159624 | ISBN-13: 978-0195159622 | PDF | 1.1MB

Knowledge Creation and Management: New Challenges for Managers by Kazuo Ichijo & Ikujiro NonakaThis book presents the latest management ideas in knowledge creation and management in readable and non-technical chapters.

Leading experts have contributed chapters in their fields of expertise. Each distils his or her subject in a chapter that is accessible to managers who want to learn what can be applied to their organizations without the distracting details of research methodology.

Each chapter, however, is based on careful research. The book is organized so that readers can easily find chapters of most interest and value to them.

The emphasis is on the practical applications of knowledge to a wide variety of organizations and functional areas.

About the Author
Kazuo Ichijo is at Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Jaan, and International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland. Ikujiro Nonaka is at Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan.

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