The 21st-Century MBA by Mary C. Gentile (strategy+business magazine) ~ :: :: free download
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The 21st-Century MBA by Mary C. Gentile (strategy+business magazine)

The 21st-Century MBA (strategy+business magazine)
English | PDF | 14 Pages | 293KB

In a world that requires business leaders to address the concerns of all their stakeholders, we must reshape management education to be both practical and aspirational.

What kind of leaders does the business world need to train and develop? In a time of private equity preeminence and mounting global competitiveness, should they be risk takers who are richly rewarded for focusing on the bottom line? Or, in the wake of scandals involving individual excess amid seemingly blind “short-termism,” should the next generation of leaders focus on team spirit and internal organizational development to increase shareholder returns? (See “CEO Succession 2007: The Performance Paradox,” by Per-Ola Karlsson, Gary L. Neilson, and Juan Carlos Webster, s+b, Summer 2008.) These questions are a concern for any thoughtful business leader and raise fundamental questions for business educators, as well.

Mary C. Gentile is a consultant on management education and leadership development. A former faculty member, researcher, and administrator at the Harvard Business School, she is the research director for the Giving Voice to Values initiative and senior advisor to the Aspen Institute Business and Society program.

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