Scientific American, August 2008 (科学美国人杂志) ~ :: :: free download
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Scientific American, August 2008 (科学美国人杂志)

Scientific American, August 2008 (科学美国人杂志)Scientific American, August 2008
English | PDF | 8.6MB

Scientific American is a popular-science magazine, published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28, 1845, making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.

This issue:
China's Children of Smoke

Epidemiologists find molecular clues to air pollution's impact on youngsters. Routine use of screening technologies to measure such biomarkers could, at least theoretically, identify people at risk from specific pollutants.

Facing the Freshwater Crisis
As demand for freshwater soars, global supplies are becoming unpredictable. Existing technologies could avert a water crisis but must be implemented soon.

Why Migraines Strike
Biologists finally are unraveling the medical mysteries of migraine, from aura to pain.

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