Harvard Business Review on Managing Diversity by R. Roosevelt Thomas, David A. Thomas, Robin J. Ely , Debra Meyerson ~ :: GetAnEbook.com :: free download
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Harvard Business Review on Managing Diversity by R. Roosevelt Thomas, David A. Thomas, Robin J. Ely , Debra Meyerson

Harvard Business Review on Managing Diversity by R. Roosevelt Thomas, David A. Thomas, Robin J. Ely , Debra Meyerson # Authors: R. Roosevelt Thomas, David A. Thomas, Robin J. Ely , Debra Meyerson
# Paperback: 224 pages
# Publisher: Harvard Business School Press; 1st edition (February 1, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1578517001
# ISBN-13: 978-1578517008
# Format: PDF | 2MB

This collection of classic and cutting-edge articles, case studies, and first person perspectives provides a broad range of perspectives on affirmative action, career development for minorities and women, and other HR-related policies.

Since 1984, Harvard Business School Press has been dedicated to publishing the most contemporary management thinking, written by authors and practitioners who are leading the way. Whether readers are seeking big-picture strategic thinking or tactical problem solving, advice in managing global corporations or for developing personal careers, HBS Press helps fuel the fire of innovative thought. HBS Press has earned a reputation as the springboard of thought for both established and emerging business leaders.

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