Introduction to Econometrics by Christopher Dougherty ~ :: :: free download
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Monday, June 23, 2008

Introduction to Econometrics by Christopher Dougherty

# Author: Christopher Dougherty
# Paperback: 368 pages

# Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 2 edition (March 25, 2002)

# Language: English

# ISBN-10: 0198776438

# ISBN-13: 978-0198776437

# Format: PDF | 2.63MB

Introduction to Econometrics,2/e offers a step-by-step introductory guide to the core areas of econometrics. Accessible to readers with limited mathematical backgrounds, the book provides an analytical and an intuitive understanding of the classical linear regression model. This new edition has been substantially updated and revised with the inclusion of new material on specification tests, binary choice models, tobit analysis, sample selection bias, nonstationary time series, and unit root tests and cointegration.

About the Author
Christopher Dougherty is a Senior Lecturer in Economics, London School of Economics.

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1 comment:

Economics Specialist said...

Thanks for your post! The reference you mentioned seems very interesting, as I would love to switch from R to Christopher, without rPy preferrably.
A library that I found very interesting for Econometrics is called 'Dougherty'. It is a C library, written by Ben Klemens. Maybe it would be a good idea to create a good interface between Python and 'Dougherty', as it is quite powerful and fast (and ready!). However, it depends on the GNU Scientific Library. Anyway, just thoughts.

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