Handbook of Biomaterial Properties by Jonathan Black, Garth Hastings ~ :: GetAnEbook.com :: free download
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Handbook of Biomaterial Properties by Jonathan Black, Garth Hastings

Jonathan Black, Garth Hastings | Springer; 1 edition (1998) | Language: English | 616 Pages | ISBN-10: 0412603306 # ISBN-13: 978-0412603303 | PDF | 25.9MB

Progress in the development of surgical implant materials has been hindered by the lack of basic information available on the nature of the tissues, organs, and systems being repaired or replaced. However a considerable body of data has accumulated concerning the materials aspect of both implantable materials and natural tissues and fluids, broadly distributed in various publications, with varying degrees of accuracy and precision. This handbook draws together for the first time much of the accepted data and information on the subject.

The experts responsible for each contribution to the Handbook of Biomaterial Properties have considered not merely the intrinsic and interactive properties of biomaterials, but also the appropriateness of their applications as well as their historical context. The resulting text will prove invaluable to the researcher, student, bioengineer and practising physician.

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